The Basilica of San Martiño de Mondoñedo is located in the municipality of Foz, and is considered the oldest cathedral in Spain, since in the 9th century it was the seat of two bishoprics of the Kingdom of Galicia, one transferred from Dumio, in the district from Braga (Portugal), and another transferred from Bretoña, in the province of Lugo.

The current building is Romanesque from the end of the 11th century and the sturdy buttresses are the work of the 18th century. Since 1931 it has been listed as BIC and in 2007 it obtained the category of basilica.

Currently it serves as a parish temple and also houses the Parish Museum of San Martiño de Mondoñedo.

Actividades de interior turismo rural Lugo
Turismo Mariña Lucense, Casa Rural Foz Lugo

The castle of Castrodouro is a fortress located in the parish of Castro, in the Spanish municipality of Alfoz, in the Galician province of Lugo. It is a Historic Artistic Monument since 1994.

The old monastery of San Salvador is located in the town of Lourenzá, in the valley of the Masma river, a few kilometers from Mondoñedo. The founder of the monastery is considered to be Count Osorio Gutiérrez (the holy count) who expanded it, protected it and acted as patron, on a small monastery barely lifeless. The architectural complex was changing through the centuries and the construction trends, so that the last building dates from the seventeenth century in the Baroque style. It is the current seat of the City Council.

Turismo Mariña Lucense, Casa Rural Foz Lugo
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